Monday 13 September 2010

Monday 13th September 2010

Combatting Media Lies
Integrity & Action Picket Channel 4

Fourteen Integrity & Action activists made protest outside the central London headquarters of Channel 4 on the evening of Monday, 13th September, 2010, to co-incide with the hour-long broadcast of one of several lie-filled TV programmes designed to whip up hysteria and hatred against the Catholic Church in the days
leading up to the papal visit to Britain.

Hundreds of leaflets were handed out to Channel 4 staff and passers-by whilst the rosary was publicly prayed outside the Channel 4 building on Horseferry Road.

The typically vile television programme, entitled 'The Trouble With the Pope', attacked the Church because of Her moral and social doctrine in regard to abortion and contraception, as well as spreading the now commonplace lies about clerical child sexual abuse.

Incredibly the TV hatchet-job was put together and presented by the sodomite campaigner Peter Tatchell who also publicly defends homosexual paedophilia.

Tatchell wrote in a letter to The Guardian, published on 26th June, 1997, that "Gay Men’s Press has published a book, 'Dares To Speak', which challenges the assumption that all sex involving children and adults is abusive.
I think it is courageous".

The rank hypocrisy of Channel 4 and their paid hireling, Peter Tatchell, was made clear to all by Integrity and Action.


  1. It's high time Catholics stood up to this filth, but not just those at Integrity and Action but ALL Catholics. But sadly, many in this country are only Catholics on Sundays and the other six they may as well be atheists.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Well done, even if there were only a few of you there.

    Judging by the small number of you on the activity it would seem that your fellow Catholics would rather watch the TV than be there with you protesting against its propaganda.

    Exposing the constant lies and hypocrisy of the media is long overdue and very important.

    The mass media is a very effective means of mass manipulation and social control. I'm glad to hear that at least some of you understand that they have an agenda and are prepared to stand up against it.
